Beijing Tian'Anmen Square
* Andrew J Nathan & Perry Link , " The Tiananmen Papers " (Nederlandse Uitgave , Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam
* Wang Qingxiang, Li Shuxian " Pu Yi, my husband - The Last Emperor of China " (China Travel & Tourism Press
(Beijing 2008)
* Wang Qingxiang, Li Shuxian " Pu Yi, my husband - The Last Emperor of China " (China Travel & Tourism Press
(Beijing 2008)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
* Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi , " From Emperor to Citizen - The Autobiography of " , Foreign Languages
Press (5th edition ; Beijing 2002)
* Andrew J Nathan & Perry Link , " The Tiananmen Papers " (Nederlandse Uitgave , Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam
* Angelika Lange-Gao " Peking - Peking ontdekken en beleven " (Delta Nederland-Belgie ,
geactualiseerde uitgave 2001)
* Air China News , Issue 24-11-2003
* Beijing Review , Volume 46 number 47 , ( Beijing November 20-2003 )
* " Beijing urged to mend it's manners ", CNN , Beijing, P.R.C. , 24-03-2003
* Brian Power " De Marionet - Het Leven van Pu Yi, Laatste Keizer van China " (Unieboek B.V. ,
Houten, 1987)
* Business Beijing , Issue 88 , ( Beijing This Month Publications November 2003 )
* Caroline Liou , Robert Storey , " Beijing " (Lonely Planet Publications , 4th edition 2001)
* City Weekend Magazine , ( China Publishing Group ) November 20-December 3 2003
* Damian Harper , " Beijing " (Lonely Planet Publications , Australia, 5th edition October 2002)
* Ed LanFranco , "Tempting Temples" , Beijing Weekend, November 21-28, 2003.
* E. Grey Dimond , " I see a New China " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2003)
* Eleanor Liu , "Off the Beaten Path in Beijing" (Foreign Language Press Beijing, 1st Edition 2001)
* " Historic Chinese Pagodas ", (Chongqing Publishing House , Chongqing, China , 2001)
* Huang Shizheng , " The Sky is the Limit , the economic globalization of Beijing " , IIAS Newsletter, #31, July 2003
* James Bertram , " First Act in China " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2003)
* James Bertram , " North China Front " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2004)
* James Bertram , " Return to China " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2004)
* Jasper Becker , " City of Heavenly Tranquillity - Beijing in the History of the World " (Oxford University Press, 2008)
* Jin Shoushen , " Beijing Legends " (Foreign Language Press Beijing / Pandabooks , 2005)
* John Blofeld , " City of Lingering Splendour - a frank account of Old Peking's Exotic
Pleasures " (Shambala, Boston/Shaftesbury, 1986)
* Keith Laidler , "The Last Empress - The She-Dragon of China" , (John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , The Atrium, Chichester,
England 2003)
* Lan PeiJin et al. " Hutong Alleys - Former Residencies of Celebrities " (Foreign Language Press , Beijing,
first print 2005)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
* Sidney Shapiro " Ma Haide - The Saga of American Doctor George Hatem in China " (Foreign Language Press
Beijing, China, 2004)
* Simon Lewis , " The mini rough guide to Beijing " (London , August 2000)
* THAT'S Beijing , December 2003
* " Visit Beijing , Cultural Tour in Beijing, Museum Volume " , (China Intercontinental Press , Beijing , 2005)
* Wang Qingxiang, Li Shuxian " Pu Yi, my husband - The Last Emperor of China " (China Travel & Tourism Press
(Beijing 2008)
* ZhengYangMen Administration Department, Beijing Municipality , " Historical Photos of Old Beijing " , (Beijing
Publishing House, 1995)
* Xu Chengbei , " Old Beijing - In the Shadow of Imperial Throne " , (Foreign Language Press Beijing , first edition
* Xu Chengbei , " Old Beijing - Peoples, Houses and Lifestyles " , (Foreign Language Press Beijing , first edition 2001)
Beijing City Offline Sources Page
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City of Beijing Offline Sources Listing
Palace Museum - Forbidden City
Tiantan Park & Temple of Heaven
* Jin Shoushen " Beijing Legends " (Foreign Language Press Beijing / Pandabooks , 2005)
* Maurice Cotterell " The Terracotta Warriors - the secret codes of the emperors army " ,
(Headline Book Publishing, London, UK, (Paperback Edition 2004)
* Zhang Xizhu , " Temple of Heaven " , (Morning Glory Publishers, Beijing, China , First Edition 1999)
* Anchee Min , " Empress Orchid " , Bloomsbury Publishing (London 2004)
* Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi , " From Emperor to Citizen - The Autobiography of " , Foreign Languages
Press (5th edition ; Beijing 2002)
* Cheng Qinhua , " Tales of The Forbidden City " (Foreign Language Press, Beijing, China, Third Print 2004)
* Ding Haixu (Shen Hongmei), " Tour to the The Forbidden City " (Tourism and Education Press, Beijing, China, 1st Print 2002)
* Frances Wood , "Forbidden City" (The British Museum Press, 1st Edition 2005)
* Fu Hu , " Tales of the Qing Court " (Hai Feng Publishing Co , Hong Kong, 5th edition 1997)
* Guan YueHua & Zhong Liangbi , " Behind the Veil of The Forbidden City " (Chinese Literature Press, first edition 1996)
* ????? , "Sights with Stories in Old Beijing (Foreign Language Press Beijing , 2004)
* Keith Laidler , "The Last Empress - The She-Dragon of China" , (John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , The Atrium, Chichester,
England 2003)
* R.A. Blondeau , " Mandarijn en Astronoom - Ferdinand Verbiest Sj. aan het hof van de Chinese Keizer " (Desclee'de Brouwer,
Brugge - Utrecht, 1970)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
* Maurice Cotterell " The Terracotta Warriors - the secret codes of the emperors army " ,
(Headline Book Publishing, London, UK, (Paperback Edition 2004)
* Raymond Lamont-Brown , " Tutor to the Dragon Empeor , the life of Sir Reginald Fleming Johnston " ,
(Sutton Publishing House, UK, (Paperback Edition 1999)
* Wang Qingxiang, Li Shuxian " Pu Yi, my husband - The Last Emperor of China " (China Travel & Tourism Press
(Beijing 2008)
General Sources on Beijing
Beijing (Former) Legation Quarter
* Eleanor Liu , "Off the Beaten Path in Beijing" (Foreign Language Press Beijing, 1st Edition 2001)
* James Bertram , " First Act in China " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2003)
* Lynn E. Bodin , "The Boxer Rebellion" , (Osprey Publishing, Oxford, UK , 17Th Print 2005)
* ZhengYangMen Administration Department, Beijing Municipality , " Historical Photos of Old Beijing " , (Beijing
Publishing House, 1995)
Beijing Christian Churches
* Jonathan D. Spence , " The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci " , (Penguin Books , 1985)
* Mei KangJun, Min Chang , Zhu ChengMin " Christianity in China " , (China Intercontinental Press , 2005)
* R.A. Blondeau , " Mandarijn en Astronoom - Ferdinand Verbiest Sj. aan het hof van de Chinese Keizer " (Desclee'de Brouwer,
Brugge - Utrecht, 1970)
Beijing: National Government, Ministeries, Zhongnanhai & 'Secret Facilities'
* Quan Yanchi " Mao Zedong, Man not God " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, Third Print 2002)
* Yao Ming-Le " De samenzwering tegen Mao " (Veen Uitgevers, Utrecht/Antwerpen, First Print 1983)

* Caroline Liou , Robert Storey , " Beijing " (Lonely Planet Publications , 4th edition 2001)
* Damian Harper , " Beijing " (Lonely Planet Publications , Australia, 5th edition October 2002)
* Eleanor Liu , "Off the Beaten Path in Beijing" (Foreign Language Press Beijing, 1st Edition 2001)
* James Bertram , " First Act in China " (Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2003)
* Jin Shoushen , " Beijing Legends " (Foreign Language Press Beijing / Pandabooks , 2005)
* R.A. Blondeau , " Mandarijn en Astronoom - Ferdinand Verbiest Sj. aan het hof van de Chinese Keizer " (Desclee'de
Brouwer, Brugge - Utrecht, 1970)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
* Wang Qingxiang, Li Shuxian " Pu Yi, my husband - The Last Emperor of China " (China Travel & Tourism Press
(Beijing 2008)
* Xu Chengbei , " Old Beijing - In the Shadow of Imperial Throne " , (Foreign Language Press Beijing , first edition

* Jasper Becker , " City of Heavenly Tranquillity - Beijing in the History of the World " (Oxford University Press, 2008)
* Jin Shoushen " Beijing Legends " (Foreign Language Press Beijing / Pandabooks , 2005)
* Thomas Laird, " Into Tibet - the CIA's first atomic spy and his secret expedition to Lhasa " (Grove Press,
New York, USA, 2002)
* Jin Shoushen " Beijing Legends " (Foreign Language Press Beijing / Pandabooks , 2005)
* Thomas Laird, " Into Tibet - the CIA's first atomic spy and his secret expedition to Lhasa " (Grove Press,
New York, USA, 2002)