* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books, Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam,
* John Man , " The Great Wall - the extraordinary history of China's wonder of the world" , (Bantam Press, London 2008)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
960 - 1279 AD Song Dynasty History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Che Muoqi , "The Silk Road, past and present" , Foreign Language Press (Beijing, PRC 1989).
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books, Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam,
* Han RongLiang , " Guide to Xian " , ( China Travel & Tourism Press , First Edition 2004)
* Jia Pingao , " Old XiÁn - Evening Glow of an Imperial City " , (Foreign Laguages Press , first edition 2001)
* John Man , " The Great Wall - the extraordinary history of China's wonder of the world" , (Bantam Press, London 2008)
* Jonathan Fryer , " The Great Wall " , (New English Library Ltd, Great Britain , 1975)
* Peter Hopkirk , " Foreign Devils on the Silk Road - the seaarch for the lost cities and treasures of Chinese Central Asia " (Oxford
University Press , London, UK, (Paperback Edition 1984)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division , (New York, 1972).
* Shen Jiji , "Selected Tang Dynasty Stories" , (Foreign Language Press Beijing , 2001)
* Ya Hanzang , " The Biographies of the Dalai Lamas " , Foreign Languages Press Beijing ( 2nd Edition, Beijing 1993 )
589 - 907 AD Tang Dynasty History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Che Muoqi , "The Silk Road, past and present" , Foreign Language Press (Beijing, PRC 1989).
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books, Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam,
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books,
Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam, 1982)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
589 - 618 AD Sui Dynasty History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division , (New York, 1972).
China Grand Canal History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books, Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam,
* Frances Woods, " China's First Emperor and his Terracotta Warriors " , (St. Martin's Press, New York, U.S.A., First
Edition, June 2008)
221 BC - 207 BC Qin Dynasty History Sources :
Offline Sources Page
- All Offline Sources for China Report Website listed on Subject
Chinese General History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " ,
Thames and Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Antonio Terrone , " Is Tibet (really) Chinese ? " , IIAS Newsletter, #31, July 2003
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books,
Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam, 1982)
* David M. Browstone and Irene M. Franck, " Wilson Chronology of Asia and the Pacific " , (H.H. Wilson Company,
Bronx, New York, U.S.A., First Edition, 1999)
* Etienne Taillemite " Onbekende Zeeen " (Nederlandse Uitgave Unieboek B.V. , Houten, 1993)
* Fairbank, John King and Goldman, Merle " China - A New History " , Harvard University Press ( Hong Kong 1993 )
* Fang Hong , " Chinese Sports History Studies [an overview] " , IIAS Newsletter , August 2002
* "Inside Guide China" , APA Publications Ltd. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, Ninth Print 2001)
* J.M. Roberts , " History of The World " , Helicon Publishing (1992)
* John Man , " The Great Wall - the extraordinary history of China's wonder of the world" , (Bantam Press, London
* Keith L. Pratt , " Visitors to China - eyewitness accounts of Chinese History " , Praeger Publishers (New
York/Washington DC (2nd Edition 1970)
* Kenneth J. Hammond , " A Martyrs' Tale - The life, death and posthumus career of Yang Jisheng " , IIAS Newsletter ,
#30 , March 2003
* Luo Zhiye , " Sun Tzu's The Art of War " , Foreign Languages
Press Beijing ( Hong Kong 1993 )
* Maurice Cotterell " The Terracotta Warriors - the secret codes of the emperors army " (Headline Book Publishing ,
London, UK, (Paperback Edition 2004)
* Nora Sausmikat , Dr. , " Intellectuals in Social Development in China " , IIAS Newsletter , November 2002
* Sesam Atlas bij de Wereldgeschiedenis , Deel I - Van Prehistorie to Franse Revolutie ,
Anthos/SESAM (2e druk ; Amsterdam 1994)
* Simon Winchester , " The Man Who Loved China - the fantastic story of the eccentric
scientist who unlocked the mysteries of the middle kingdom " , (Harper Collins, New York, 2008)
* Willy van der Walle , " Een Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk tot 1600- de duurzame zoektocht naar Imperium "
, (Acco, Leuven / Voorburg, 2007)
* " Yellow River " , NHK Video Publishing, (China, 1989)
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1644-1911 AD Qing Dynasty History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi , " From Emperor to Citizen - The Autobiography of " , Foreign Languages
Press (5th edition ; Beijing 2002)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Brian Power " De Marionet - Het Leven van Pu Yi, Laatste Keizer van China " (Unieboek B.V. ,
Houten, 1987)
* Chester Ronning " A Memoir of China in Revolution - from the Boxer Rebellion to the People's Republic "
(Foreign Language Press Beijing, China, 2004)
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books, Division of Time-Life Books,
Amsterdam, 1982)
* Fu Hu , " Tales of the Qing Court " (Hai Feng Publishing Co , Hong Kong, 5th edition 1997)
* Jonathan D. Spence , " Emperor of China - self-portrait of K'Ang-Hsi" , (Vintage Books Edition , Random House, New York 1988)
* Laidler, Keith , "The Last Empress - The She-Dragon of China" , (John Wiley & Sons Ltd. , The Atrium, Chichester,
England 2003)
* Leonard Bluse', "Tribuut aan China - Vier eeuwen Nederlands-Chinese Betrekkingen" , Otto Cramwinkel Uitgever ,
(Amsterdam, Netherlands 1989).
* R.A. Blondeau , " Mandarijn en Astronoom - Ferdinand Verbiest Sj. aan het hof van de Chinese Keizer " (Desclee'de
Brouwer, Brugge - Utrecht, 1970)
* Roderick Mc Farquhar, "The Forbidden City - China's Ancient Capital" , Newsweek Book Division ,
(New York, 1972).
* Martha Avery, "The Tea Road, China and Russia meet across the Steppe" , China Intercontinental Press,
(Beijing 2003).
* Sesam Atlas bij de Wereldgeschiedenis , Deel I - Van Prehistorie to Franse Revolutie ,
Anthos/SESAM (2e druk ; Amsterdam 1994)
* Shashibala , " Buddhistische Kunst - ter ere van het goddelijke " , Atrium/Elmar BV (Rijswijk , Netherlands, 2003)
* Shen Jiji , "Selected Tang Dynasty Stories" , (Foreign Language Press Beijing , 2001)
* Wang Qingxiang, Li Shuxian " Pu Yi, my husband - The Last Emperor of China " (China Travel & Tourism Press (Beijing 2008)
* Ya Hanzang , " The Biographies of the Dalai Lamas " , Foreign Languages Press Beijing ( 2nd Edition, Beijing 1993 )
1368-1644 AD Ming Dynasty History Sources :
* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books,
Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam, 1982)
* Fang Zhongfu & li Erhe , " Peace Missions on a Grand Scale - admiral Zheng He's Seven expeditions to the western
oceans " , (Foreign Language Press, Beijing, China, 2005)
* Gavin Menzies, " 1421 AD - The Year China discovered the World" , Bantam Books , 2nd Edition 2003)
* John Man , " The Great Wall - the extraordinary history of China's wonder of the world" , (Bantam Press, London 2008)
* John W. Dardess', "Four Seasons - a Ming Emperor and his Grand Secretaries in the 16th Century" , Otto Cramwinkel Uitgever ,
(Amsterdam, Netherlands 1989).
* Jonathan Fryer , " The Great Wall " , (New English Library Ltd, Great Britain , 1975)
* Jonathan D. Spence , " The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci " , (Penguin Books , 1985)
* Leonard Bluse', "Tribuut aan China - Vier eeuwen Nederlands-Chinese Betrekkingen" , Rowman and Littlefield , ---- , UK --).
* Martha Avery, "The Tea Road, China and Russia meet across the Steppe" , China Intercontinental Press,
(Beijing 2003).
* R.A. Blondeau , " Mandarijn en Astronoom - Ferdinand Verbiest Sj. aan het hof van de Chinese Keizer " (Desclee'de
Brouwer, Brugge - Utrecht, 1970)
* Wang Miao , " Tracing Marco Polo's Northern Route - from the Pamirs to Beijing " , (Hong Kong China Tourism Press , first edition
second printing, February 1997)
* Willy van der Walle , " Een Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk tot 1600 - de duurzame zoektocht naar Imperium "
, (Acco, Leuven / Voorburg, 2007)
* Zhang Xiping , " Following the Steps of Matteo Ricci to China " , (China Intercontinental Press, Beijing , 2006)
China Silk Road History Sources :
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* Ann Paludan , " Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors - the Reign-by-Reign record of the rulers of Imperial China " , Thames and
Hudson (30 Bloomsbury Street, London)
* Bai Shouyi , " An outline of the History of China " , Beijing Foreign Language Press ( revised edition 2002 , Beijing )
* Che Muoqi , "The Silk Road, past and present" , Foreign Language Press (Beijing, PRC 1989).
* Christopher Hibbert, " Treasures of the World: " The Emperors of China " (Select Books,
Division of Time-Life Books, Amsterdam, 1982)
* John Man , " The Great Wall - the extraordinary history of China's wonder of the world" , (Bantam Press, London 2008)
* Jonathan Fryer , " The Great Wall " , (New English Library Ltd, Great Britain , 1975)
* Wang Miao , " Tracing Marco Polo's Northern Route - from the Pamirs to Beijing " , (Hong Kong China Tourism Press , first
edition second printing, February 1997)
* Willy van der Walle , " Een Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk tot 1600- de duurzame zoektocht naar Imperium "
, (Acco, Leuven / Voorburg, 2007)
* Ya Hanzang , " The Biographies of the Dalai Lamas " , Foreign Languages Press Beijing ( 2nd Edition, Beijing 1993 )
1271 - 1368 AD Yuan Dynasty History Sources :