The Main landmarks within suburban districts of Yanji are: the ..
In total there are over -- historical sites to be visited and enjoyed in Yanji and its vicinity.
The Yanji Report
Yanji - Yan He (Yan River) River Open Market:
Yanji Cities market is situated along the Yan River just outside the downtown area of Yanji.
As everywhere in rural China, the city market is busiest in the morning. Come early to get the freshest vegetables and fruit and catch the crowd to make the most out of your visit.
A view upstream along the market lane on the banks of the Yan River in Yanji City. A wide variety of household items, farming tools, garments and other useful items are available. In the background one of two bridges across the Yan He in downtown Yanji.
It is not all about the money at this Market, but most of all about good fresh produce and the needs of the common people. Yanji market not only has its stalls and a few stores, but also has a continuous stream of new faces and visitors coming in from all over town and the vicinity of the city.
The Yan River Market :
Location: Banks of the Yan River, adjacent the Christian Church.
The Main landmarks of Yanji City are as listed below.
A Glimpse of the morning market along the River from the terrain of Yanji's Christian Church.
The Yanji market is located at a covenient location, standing along one of the three main roads into the city and but a 100 meters or so from one of the two main bridges across the Yan River. Furthermore, with the main Christian Church of the City overlooking the market grounds, it is an easy place for local farmers and traders to reach, as well as a spot where the locals love to go.
Apart from the cheapest place to get your food and snacks, household utilities, farming tools and other vital products the Yanji Yanhe Market is also one of the few places where the towns elderly and families can meet and see eachother. With sons marying and members moving about, often families are dispersed over several of the surrounding villages, but all of them still often visit the market which gives a chance to pick up on family matters, eachothers stories and exchange worries, woes and good news.
With the Christian Church just a short walk up the road and the River, the market performs a crucial and central function for all average city citizens and many from the surroundings towns and villages. It is yet another place to get to meet the local people and get a feeling for the still largely rural style of life within what is offically a city.
Local elderly ladies take time to chat up after visiting the Yan River Market in Yanji. (Photo: July 2010). In the background, older residential buildings of downtown Yanji.
A stroll through the Yan He market is easily combined with a stroll up to the Church and other nearby destinations. Further down the river, on the other side once can find the Yanji Zoo or Animal Park and the Yanji City Park.
Upscale shopping is not done anywhere near the Yan He market, but near and around the central Square of Times and it shopping street.
Overview of the Yanhe City Market lane, the largely canalized Yan River with one of its two bridges in the background.
The covered section of the Yanji Market is a relatively new development, offering space to the fish market, a variety of ready made snacks, easy restaurants with local dishes, the flower market and a variety of basic services. Find it in the downstream section of the market, farthest away from the Christian Church.
People from all over Yanji City and vicinity crowd the market on an average morning on the banks of the Yan River. However, no one is stressed out. It is all easy going in Yanji and there is plenty of space for everyone, including tables to sit and try out the local kitchen.
The Yanji City Christian Church stands adjacent and overlooking most of the Yan He market.
The Yan He market stretches for a considerable lenght along the Yan river and is only likely to grow with the influx of new citizens into Yanji City. Downstream from the market new office buildings arise.